Norwex Detergent - Flash Sale !
Fill your cart with Ultra power plus laundry detergent in the next 48 hours and save $5.50 each! This is an amazing deal and a staple of...

Norwex Canada Christmas Specials !!
Order by December 15 for guaranteed delivery before Christmas. Spend and get event on. Shop and ship your Norwex products, anywhere in...

FREE SHIPPING offer extended for Canada :)
#NorwexCanada #FreeShipping

Norwex Laundry Soap
Upgrade away from toxic laundry soap. Make the switch to clean, sustainable Norwex laundry solutions. The liquid Laundry Detergent has...

Norwex EnviroCloth | Canada
The famous EnviroCloth is the product that started the whole company! It’s an incredible do-it-all cloth that saves you using hundreds of...
Norwex Toilet Bowl Cleaning
Check out the new Norwex Toilet Bowl Cleaning System. I bought one last month and love it. Anything that makes an unpleasant job faster...

The Famous Norwex Mop System !
Attention Canada ! I’ll be sharing how Norwex saves you money over the coming weeks. Up first is the Superior Mop Starter System, no...

Norwex Canada Warehouse Sale
The Norwex Warehouse Sale is on now til the end of the month. Grab some great deals while supplies last for everyone on your list and...

Norwex Special for November:
Spend and get some amazing deals this month. Get our nontoxic biodegradable gentle dishsoap for just $10 when you spend $110. Spend...

Share the love !
I love the innovation that companies are coming out with to help our environment. Check out this cool company in Mexico below...